August is Women in Translation Month, a time to celebrate as loudly and proudly as you can the incredible women writers from around the world who have been translated into English for us to enjoy. Across East Asia, women writers are changing the literary landscape by pointing a finger at the patriarchy, by writing clever and innovative genre fiction, by highlighting their unique histories and politics and thus creating exciting and thrilling literature. In fact, the contemporary world of literature in Korea and Japan is very much dominated by women aside from Murakami , of course , and that is truly wonderful to see. In order to keep that trend of women in translation going, we need to keep celebrating women in literature, especially translated literature.
12 Excellent Books and Comics by Asian Women in Translation ()
R epresentation quality matters. Quality representation matters. I am a writer and comedian. I spend a lot of time crafting each joke and its delivery, whittling down my premise into the most bare-boned setup and punchline. I always consider the connotations, the shades and dualities of meaning, all the different ways an audience might interpret a joke. And I try to be as precise as possible. Stand-up comedy makes perfect use of the double consciousness with which I already live life as an Asian person in America: that constant feeling of being watched and judged, yet disregarded at the same time, of taking extra care in deciding what to share and with whom, because in America, every person of color is by default a representative of their race.
Thanks for commenting!. Home About Contact. Header Ads. Marvel comics has a ton of great Asian characters and they need to use them now. Marvel is having a hard time portraying Asian characters.
Asian visibility in Western media has long been a hot-button topic. One of the few forms of entertainment in which Asian people have found mainstream success is in comedy. Whether it be in the realm of standup, sketch comedy or YouTube videos, Asian comedians have found a place to express themselves in American media. In , as social media allows us to empower people from all types of backgrounds, the parameters through which Asian comedians are seen have changed.