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The Penitent Warlord: Atoning for 20, War Crimes - ABC News

Then he became a pastor. Today he visits the families of his victims to seek forgiveness for his sins. On a Tuesday about six years ago, an attempt was made to quantify Joshua Milton Blahyi's guilt. The president of his native Liberia had appointed a nine-member commission of human rights activists, lawyers, journalists and priests to determine what he had done during the civil war.
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Emily Barclay may work part-time in a video store and be a vegan, but she was discovered by the same casting director who discovered Anna Paquin and appears to be headed for similar stardom soon. It's nice to flirt with the girl behind the counter when renting a flick, but it would be nicer to know she ate meat--not that Mr. Skin is advocating the unethical treatment of animals, but I have a big snake looking for a snug home.
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Joshua Milton Blahyi, a former Liberian factional fighter known as 'General Butt Naked' threatens a fellow combatant with a knife during an argument outside the Barclay Training Center army barracks in Monrovia, Liberia during fighting in the city in this May 15, photo. Blahyi, who is now an evangelist and a church pastor, earned his nom de guerre from his practice of storming into battle without a stitch of clothing, a move intended to terrify the enemy. Butt Naked for charging into battle wearing only boots, has returned to confess his role in terrorizing the nation, saying he is responsible for 20, deaths. Other former warlords, though, have refused to ask forgiveness, dismissing a commission many in Liberia see as toothless.
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