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Bad movies are not a simple matter. The original Elm Street , written and directed by Wes Craven, was an unexpected smash for indie distributor New Line Cinema, then known primarily for putting out John Waters movies and similar lowbrow fare. And like any sensible studio, when New Line had a horror hit, they wanted a sequel — the quicker the better. They got one.
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So Bad, It’s Good: The Scare-Free, Homoerotic Subtext-Rich ‘Nightmare on Elm Street 2’

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But, unhappily, one day the Museum vanished into nothing! After that day, thinking this was a real loss, we decided to start collecting any piece we could find in the Net In our Museum we are showing several art reproductions about Not all the pieces were originally made by or for gay people, also because in ancient times there was not such a labeling as "homosexual" or "gay".
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Ham homo erotic art

This is my first Gide book. I knew little about Gide going into it. I expected lots of pastoral Maghreb and suppressed homosexuality. And I was pretty much right. Indeed, the two authors even met.
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