Toronto has always been a place where, depending on the sector, if you looked hard enough, you could often find a job that paid you in cash. In other words, you could find work under-the-table. The construction sector — the trades as they say — and the restaurant and pub business have both traditionally been areas where cash jobs are more prevalent than say, hospital administrators, or Canada Revenue Agency forensic accountants, to give a couple of examples. But in the last few years, starting in late , the availability of cash work in Canada has been changing.
Interns are usually understood to be people who receive practical experience in order to obtain some sort of training to help them get real jobs later. The answer is suprisingly complicated because governments are trying to balance a variety of competing interests. On the one hand, employers could easily exploit a law that permitted them to simply call people interns and thereby avoid employment standards laws. Also, unpaid interns could replace real jobs, which is not good for the economy. Try writing a law that does that! You have to start with realization that under the normal rules of contract law, an agreement by a business to provide training and work opportunities to workers, without paying them, would be an enforceable contract.
Jump to navigation. On the upside, one can applaud the fact that, for once, the law went after a profiteer and not the women he used. But then the man was exonerated with a wink and excoriation of the police officer involved. And unless this decision is successfully appealed by the McGuinty government, Canadian pimps will be breaking out the champagne.
Under the Employment Standards Act, ESA , subject to certain exceptions, an employer cannot pay one employee at a rate of pay less than another employee on the basis of sex when they perform substantially the same kind of work in the same establishment, their work requires substantially the same skill, effort and responsibility and their work is performed under similar working conditions. If an employee believes that a difference in their rate of pay may be related to discrimination on any of these grounds, they may wish to contact the Human Rights Legal Support Centre at: , TTY or toll-free at or TTY. All of these conditions must be met for equal pay for equal work to be required. There are some exceptions set out below.