No Galleries Found. Emily woke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable,the surface beneath her hard and unyielding
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I gave one of the gay lads a lift home last night, his house mates BF [a big black lad] was at the door and asked if I'd give him a lift home too, it was 1 am and I really had nothing else to do. I don't know whether he sensed I was Sissy for BBC or it was the way I was eyeing him up, but halfway through the journey He flopped out his massive black cock and said "Have you ever seen one as big as this? All I did was whimper "wow", he just laughed. When we got to his flat he got out with his massive cock still hanging outta his fly, and simple said "Come on then" and motioned for me to come inside.