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Late one night, driving home from out of town, I was very horny. I had been having phone sex with my wife while I drove; my cell phone on the dashboard, the earpiece in my ear, and my penis hanging out of my pants, driving with one hand and stroking myself with the other. I had made my wife cum several times, talking about my dick and her vagina and our assholes and licking her nipples and clit and fingering her sex holes and watching her suck my cock and putting my cock up her pussy to fuck her to climax. My wife had had orgasm after orgasm, but I hadn't been able to make myself cum at all.
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By the time i realized what had happened; my penis had already broke thru the finish line banner. That will lube her up to the point that you can almost insert all the way and can have a great orgasm themselves. When he was hard it was about inches max, but when he wasnt hard…it was soo small an inch max …i thought he had no penis when i felt down ther. After heading quite a few years without viewing an innovative brand-new film from Gods of males, we now have finally been presented with The Ebony chamber. Anslut till denna grupp.