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Official website. Hailing from Roswell, Georgia, Janet Mason is a real-life swinger which led to her introduction to the adult industry. She has had her own personal website online since April with her husband Steve acting as webmaster and cameraman beginning as a foot fetish site and slowly morphing into the fully fledged hardcore site it is today. As a couple they have been active in the swinging lifestyle since He was single in the lifestyle at the time they met in college - he was in grad school and she was an undergrad. They talked about trying swinging themselves but decided to wait until they had started a family first, as they both wanted kids. Once their first born started kindergarten, they put an ad in a local swingers magazine.
Sign in. Janet Mason, born April 8, is likely one of the most recognizable mature-class actresses in the porn industry today. She first established her presence on the Internet back in with an amateur site she created.
Real-life Mom and self-proclaimed "hot wife" can be found on her membership website Janet-Exposed. Although people who don't know me well tend to assume from my appearance that I'm no more than an innocent little "Soccer Mom" type, those close to me - my friends, family, neighbors, employees and such - know far better. If you met me on the street, you'd never guess that I'd be the type to own and operate my own adult web site. Clearly, then, there's far more to me than meets the eye.