Istant cosplay of Heather Cheryl Mason of silent hill 3! I love this saga so much Mousework as always. Step 2 of heather mason from silent hill, still not done yet. New heather mason from silent hill I started. Content Warning sh3 silenthill3 heathermasonsilenthill heathermason warning warningcontent throwback survivalhorror horror konami art.
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Heather is the reincarnation of both Cheryl Mason and Alessa Gillespie and is on a mission to get revenge and kill God. Heather's given name is Cheryl Mason, the adopted daughter of the writer Harry Mason , who survived the events of the first Silent Hill game. When Harry escaped Silent Hill , Alessa, at that time serving as the Incubator , came back as an apparition and presented him with a newborn baby, which is both Cheryl and Alessa herself restored to one body again. Harry left Silent Hill with the baby and moved to Portland.