The duo, who have been friends for four years, decided to embark on a relationship "experiment" after finding themselves single at the same time. They settled on a day timeline, and agreed on six rules: seeing each other every day, going on three dates a week, completing a daily questionnaire, visiting a couples' therapist every week, going on a weekend trip together and abstaining from dating, kissing or having sex with anyone else. In an attempt to explore and hopefully overcome their fears and inadequacies, Tim and Jessica will go through the motions of a relationship for the next 40 days: the commitment, time, companionship, joys and frustrations. Can they help each other, or will they fall into their same habits?
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One hopeless romantic. One serial dater. Two good friends. Forty days of dating. Two graphic designers date each other for 40 days in an attempt to explore their habits and fears in relationships. Photos by Osvaldo Ponton. Can polar opposites meet halfway, change each other, and find love after dating exclusively for 40 days?
Did anything interesting happen? Truthfully, I am quite nervous. However, I know that when an opportunity scares me, I must go for it.
In July , after struggling with opposite relationship problems fear of commitment vs. Their journey turned into a viral blog that has drawn over 10 million unique visitors since its launch—not just because it was an engrossing romantic dramedy couples therapy! Goodman studio. Design caught up with Walsh and Goodman about design as therapy, risk-taking in both work and love, and their hard-won dating wisdom.