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And on Saturday, Kylie Minogue , 50, certainly sent fans into a frenzy when she was spotted in the crowds of the iconic event. The On A Night Like This singer looked glamorous as ever as she slipped into a figure-hugging golden dress to watch the city's parade. She's golden! Kylie Minogue, 50, made a surprise appearance at Sydney's Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras on Saturday night in a metallic frock before dancing with fans on the strip. Kylie arrived in Australia this week ahead of her Golden Tour and speculation had spread over whether she'd be making an appearance at the festival. When the Australian singer turned up at Oxford Street, she was surrounded by a number of drag queens dressed in a number of her iconic looks.
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Cool Mardi Gras shirts that will make you laugh

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Coolest Mardi Gras shirts -

Mardi Gras is the perfect occasion to let yourself a little loose and enjoy life. That means that you should be dressed accordingly. Pick a t-shirt that spells Mardi Gras top to bottom, both to make your friends laugh, and to enjoy the celebrations better. In case you have a friend that is also a fan, you can pick matching t-shirts, or you can just buy one as a gift for them. It is funny, comfortable, and your friend will have no more trouble with choosing what to wear this Mardi Gras. The ringspun cotton is high quality, and it makes the t-shirt feel comfortable. The manufacturer hand-prints the designs, so you can expect an attention to detail that may not be common for other similar products.
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Kylie Minogue makes surprise appearance at Sydney's Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras

Production Company: Carnivalesque Films. Page Reference: Chu, G. A bead is just a bead. Or is it? This cross-cultural study from
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Mardi Gras Mode by David Fary. Costumes are to the Carnival season as peanut butter is to jelly — indispensable. We encourage you to consider wearing one, or at least to accessorize with a sparkly headdress and some feathers. At the very least, wear something in the Carnival colors — purple, green and gold. Not only will it get you into the Mardi Gras spirit but you will fit right in.
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