In what was described as one of the most blatant cases of fare dodging in recent years, the goat wandered straight past the ticket machines and took its place on the…. You know what Kangaroo? Nobody likes a showoff. You live in a giant desert. You have no qualifications, no job, no friends and no social life to speak of. It even….
Just in time for my birthday Although, I won't be able to display it on my coffee table, because then it might lead my relatives to this site, and my comments, and then to my super secret blog. You forgot to mention that "it also makes a great gift". How could you forget that?
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover.
Buy at Amazon. Buy at Barnes and Noble. Now the book can be your favorite and your favourite. Buy the British version of the book at Amazon! A blog where I tell cute animals what's what.