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VERY friendly people and a relaxed atmosphere with parties every Saturday night from 8pm to 2am. Don't forget our large collection of autographed movie posters and pictures! We are just fun people. BBW more then welcome.
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Our group is focused on providing you with an opportunity to enjoy all the things Southern California has to offer. We want this site to be your launching pad to all the special sights, attractions and events that are unique to this area while making new friends and strengthening ongoing relationships. This is your chance to meet new people, make new friends and belong to a warm and caring group. The members of our group are friendly and will greet you with a smile.
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Dancing in Riverside

We were there for the first time 2 weeks ago and Theo is an amazing chef. His chicken fettuccini was absolutely incredible. He was so friendly and sweet we really appreciate him.
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Our club caters to all guests. You will enjoy your experience, whether you are coming to dance and socialize, or are looking for a bit more fun and excitement. Whatever your taste or experience in the swingers lifestyle, Club FA will not disappoint!
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