Please refresh the page and retry. Scratching your head over what one actually is? Yes, one hundred; a century of orgasms. I own more sex toys than your average branch of Ann Summers, and watching documentaries about the composition of the vulva is how I spend my free time. But no.
The truth about the super orgasm - and what happened when I tried to have one
Orgasm is arguably the most intensely satisfying human experience. Yes, there is a dynamic connection between ecstatic sex and spirit. Yet this esoteric function of orgasm as a vehicle for accessing the spiritual dimension through sex has gone mostly unnoticed by the majority of sexually active people. Why is this so? Though most people are unaware of it, there are essentially two different types of orgasms. However, only one kind is commonly experienced.
For most people, just jogging a few times a week will bring you all the fitness and health you need. So too with orgasm. For most people, regular orgasms are plenty to keep them satisfied, and occasional excursions into the world of multiple or larger orgasm is an exciting but rare adventure. Orgasm is the explosive release of sexual tension, often typified by the rhythmic contraction of the pelvic floor muscle. Your body is filled with sexual tension.
Hour-long orgasm: does it exist? One writer says yes, sort of The mythical one-hour orgasm. Does it exist? According to some experts interviewed by Yvonne K.