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George Barbier 1917 "Au bon vieux temps des crinolines"

Japonism [a] is the study of Japanese art and artistic talent. Japonism was first described by French art critic and collector Philippe Burty in From the s, ukiyo-e , Japanese woodblock prints , became a source of inspiration for many Western artists. Ukiyo-e prints featured dramatic foreshortening and asymmetrical compositions. During the Edo period — , Japan was in a period of seclusion and only one international port remained active.
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Klimt's appropriation of oriental ornamentation reached its high point around with such paintings as The Friends. Of course, iconographical borrowing, the mainstay of his earliest commissions, was not new to the artist, nor was he a stranger to Japanese design. In the end, he found his solution not in the linearity of the Japanese approach and of his own gold paintings , but rather in a return to lusher, more densely impastoed surfaces. The orange robe, pink wallpaper and rosy flesh of The Friends are all handled with the same buttery strokes, and by this means, the background motifs acquire a pictorial presence that makes them as "real" as the main subjects.
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