A Protestant youth group has put together a calendar with 12 staged photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible, including a bare-breasted Delilah cutting Samson's hair and a nude Eve offering an apple. Anne Rohmer, 21, poses on a doorstep in garters and stockings as the prostitute Rahab, mentioned in both New and Old Testaments. Bernd Grasser, pastor of the church in Nuremberg where the calendar is being sold, was enthusiastic about the project. Across the border, a group of French women have posed in underwear to help make smelly cheese more desirable. The Calendrier des From'girls Cheese Girls Calendar is the brainchild of Veronique Richez-Lerouge, the founder of France's regional cheese association and its national cheese day. I wanted to give people back their taste for fromage au lait cru by giving it a sexier image.
I kissed you in a February dream and Watched the steam rise from your mouth As we drew our lips apart. I turn to you in the heavy sky of July And press your body closer into mine So we can both lie down, and watch the lazy battles of the clouds Among the golden heads of daisies that now decorate the ground. August knocked me flat; the Earth was screaming out for rain While you were screaming out my name And we were happy once again. Soon it was September, and the autumn was approaching Like a fuzzy brown blur on the warm horizon. The trees danced with colour, then shed their crinkled skin And soon October came and the wet soil took back its fallen kin. Winter threatened, frozen-fingered, but I knew That all I had to do was just keep holding onto you; And November and December passed us by without a scratch.
Clive : This is a wonderfully exciting opportunity for me to bring my erotic work and my fantasy work to a huge gay audience, designed and presented beautifully by the guys at Village Lighthouse. It's my hope that this is just the beginning of a long relationship during the course of which we will together create all kinds of products that will mingle my passion for storytelling, art and movie-making with some startling eroticism and a lot of wild, wild fantasy. Ron Miller President of Village Lighthouse : "This newly developed relationship with such a notable figure in the publishing community not only marks a milestone for Village Lighthouse, but also illustrates how the company showcases talents within all facets of the gay and lesbian community.
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