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We're going to be counting this as a sex scandal because 1. Caitlin Davis of the New England Cheerleading squad partied pretty damn hard one night one would almost even say she did so "like a rock star" with her friend, also a hot girl. Of course, the day after she posted a picture of herself holding a marker next to her friend that had penises drawn all over her body, as well as even just the word "Penis" in case you didn't get the point looking at the rest of her body, the professional cheerleader got into some hardcore trouble. The Patriots were so unenthused by the epic facepainting she did on her friend that they ended up giving her the boot and not the cool, hot kind that the cheerleaders usually wear.
New recruits were blindfolded, stuffed into a washing machine and cardboard boxes, before being ordered to strip in front of male squad members, it has been revealed. One victim was so traumatised she left the university before finishing her studies, News. The university launched an investigation into the incident following complaints by the victims that cheerleading coaches allowed the hazing to take place on a yearly basis. The older team members then blindfolded them, placed them in cars one by one and brought them inside an empty house, the two victims said.
The concept of cheerleading is a pretty amazing one. They are like a cold beer on a Sunday afternoon for NFL football. Similarly, they are like a beer on a Saturday night while watching a UFC event.