Real hookup stories

Jump to navigation. Please note: Entries within this blog may contain references to instances of domestic abuse, dating abuse, sexual assault, abuse or harassment. At all times, Break the Cycle encourages readers to take whatever precautions necessary to protect themselves emotionally and psychologically. Today, we're here to get real about sex, consent, boundaries, and all that awkwardness that happens when you're dating Hookups have a bad rep with adults sometimes, but let's be real, we're choosing hookups over serious dating for a reason. What could that reason be?
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5 Women Reveal Their Most Incredible Online Hookup Stories

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5 Stories About Hookups That Are Unforgettably Steamy

Very seldom do you have such an epic hookup experience it barely feels real, but at that moment it's absolutely fantastic. If you are mid-hook-up and the sex is so bomb that you can practically hear '70s porno music in the distance, then congrats: you have officially entered the hook-up hall of fame. Fortunately for you, I have some pretty lucky friends and acquaintances. After listening to some entertaining stories shared by some people I know, I had to chronicle some of them for the internet's entertainment. Stories like this are just too damn good to go unshared with the masses.
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5 Stories About Hookups That Are Unforgettably Steamy

Share your story. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Most research on casual sex is done with college students.
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I love hearing about other peoples' hookup stories. Like, tell me all your stories about hookups , because I love the drama of it all. Did something weird happen? Please spill all of the tea and don't leave out one detail.
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