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The red headed slut, a bit of Jagermeister, a tad of Peach Schnapps and some cranberry juice. This is a tasty little beverage indeed! If you're sick of basic cocktails, expand your knowledge. Watch this mixed drink recipe video to learn how to mix a red headed slut. Mixing dr This clip will show you how it's done.
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You should know by now, Red Headed Sluts — are some of my favorite things in the whole world. All I know is that I have a definite soft spot for red-headed sluts of all varieties. Bartenders serve up red-headed sluts as either a mixed drink or more commonly, a shooter. All you need are three ingredients, all of which are common to a home bartending kit.
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Click "Go to Site" to see the original site, or click "Cancel" to close this dialog and go back to Sex. Big Tits Blowjob Redhead. Nice little tease. Hot Petite Pornstar. Cunt and asshole just blown out.
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Fill tumbler a quarter of the way with ice. Add ingredients and ask woman with big breasts to shake. Pour into two large shot glasses. Had at least 8 or 9 shots of this at a party once and loved it, by the end of the evening the host said as I was leaving "you sir are a slut", I highly recommend this beverage.
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