Home Tags Child Pornography. Tag: Child Pornography. A US soldier working at Mar-a-Lago uploaded photos of an underage girl to a Russian website — a closer look at the site reveals a horrific under Jeffrey Epstein was accused of sex trafficking young girls on his mysterious private island.
How young women are suckered into making "amateur" porn
UNICEF Malaysia (unicefmalaysia) on Pinterest
Sex is a taboo in Malaysia, spoken in hush-hush tones unless if it involves certain politicians, celebrities or prominent figures. Then our well-guarded Asian modesty is off the table, and we get to read or hear about the most sordid of details in our media. Point-in-fact, there is an entire generation of Malaysians who learnt about sodomy in the years following Some said it was necessary to prevent rape, some said rape was more than a matter of dressing, and some just went overboard, trolling in the manner of the most uncivilised, rude and idiotic of Internet trolls. Instead of reasoned and logical debate, allegations of disrespect, blasphemy and racism have been thrown around. Just a day before all insanity broke loose, a PAS MP warned that sex education would lead youths to watch porn. The thing with porn though, what with wide access to the Internet in Malaysia, is that there is nothing stopping anyone with an Internet-enabled device and connection to surf for porn.
By Peter De Run 1. Divorce and one-parent families are on the rise. A major need for todays Malaysian teens is adult heroes and models that they can respect and emulate, especially when it comes to relationships and problem handling.
Check out your child's cyber buddy; he or she may be in danger even if their chance of ever meeting offline is slim. FOR a while all you hear from your eight-year-old daughter is about her new Internet friend Ben. But all of a sudden, the Ben-talk stops. In fact, all talk from your child stops. Once bubbly and chatty, your daughter is now quiet and morose.