8 months into dating

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The 3 Stages of Dating | Psychology Today

Sharing personal information brings people closer together. Verified by Psychology Today. Fixing Families. Tasha has been dating Sam for three months and it has been the best time in her life. They immediately felt connected, the chemistry was hot, it was easy to see that he was a kind and considerate soul. She obsesses about him all day long.
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10 Things To Do In The First Year Of Your Relationship If You Want It To Last

Meeting your lover is only the first stage of dating. Do you know what stage you're in after dating for a month? What about 4 months of dating? When you recognize what stage of dating your relationship is in, you'll understand what is called for or needed in order to move through that stage toward a healthy committed relationship.
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The first six months of a relationship could be considered the most crucial time. This is when you find out if you two really get along, if you like each other more than you simply like being able to say that you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and if you're compatible in the long run. For many couples, while their relationship is still fun and enjoyable after they pass the six-month mark, this is when it's time to think seriously about whether this is going somewhere.
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