Verne Troyer , best known for playing Dr. The year-old actor says that TMZ disregarded cease-and-desist letters sent both before and after the video showed up on the site. In addition to the gossip purveyor, which just posted the footage yesterday, Troyer has also sued One Night in Paris peddler Kevin Blatt. The adult-film rental company, which at press time was touting the newfound existence of a "full-length 50 minute video of Mini-Me in bed with a hot, young, FULL SIZED sexy woman" on its website, was also named as a defendant in the suit, per documents filed in U. District Court in Los Angeles and obtained by E! Troyer is alleging violation of privacy, copyright infringement, trademark infringement, violation of right to publicity and misappropriation of name and likeness.
A Los Angeles judge has given TMZ permission to repost a snippet of a sex tape featuring Verne Troyer after his willing costar, former girlfriend Ranae Shrider, informed a federal court that she was the one who leaked the footage in the first place. Shrider submitted a signed declaration admitting her X-rated romp with the Austin Powers henchman was shot using her digital video camera, therefore making her the owner. She also said that she gave the clip to TMZ to drum up interest while she shops the full minute tape around town to the highest bidder. The declaration was good enough for the judge, who had initially ordered TMZ to take down the clip , and the footage was back online Tuesday night. Now it looks like the actor, currently starring in The Love Guru , is going to have to fight Shrider for it. We and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize advertising, measure advertising performance, and remember website preferences. By using the site, you consent to these cookies.
This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. District Judge Philip S. Gutierrez on Friday granted both sides another week to negotiate before holding a hearing on whether the tape can be sold or released. She said details of the negotiations are private but that Troyer still doesn't want the tape made public.
Shrider leaked snippets of the tape to TMZ, according to a statement filed in federal court by the site. Shrider indicated the tape was recorded on her video equipment and that she was a partial owner. McPherson said other people or companies may also be sued to prevent the tape from being released. Records do not indicate whether U. District Judge Philip Gutierrez, who has presided over the case, signed off on the agreements Friday afternoon.