Left Alone At My Stepmothers In The Hood
Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Royally Screwed by Pain 5. Alana has always found comfort in her bedroom, especially now with the Crown Prince of Greece warming her bed, but she never thought it'd spark disaster. Moving to the Sixties: to live a g

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When Dasani Left Home

Why are so many Disney parents missing or dead?—Hopes&Fears
It is the longest song in the film sung by the majority of the main characters. Cinderella: I wish Baker: And in this village Cinderella: More than anything Baker: Lived a young maiden Cinderella: More than life More than jewels

Ragstoriches Stories
Many Disney movies share a curious detail. Where are the protagonists' biological mothers? Little wooden puppet Pinocchio is carved and cared for by his "father" Geppetto. Peter Pan is forever a motherless lost-boy. The mothers of Belle Beauty and the Beast , Jasmine Aladdin and Pocahontas from the eponymous film are all either absent or deceased.

On the edge of a great forest there lived a poor woodcutter with wife and his two children; the little boy was called Hansel and the girl Gretel. He had little enough to put in his belly, and once, when a great famine came upon the land, he could not even provide their daily bread. As he lay in bed one evening, brooding over this and tossing and turning with worry, he sighed and said to his wife: "What's to become of us? How can we feed our poor children when we've nothing left for ourselves?
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