Human Vulva Gallery
Clue is on a mission to help you understand your body, periods, ovulation, and so much more. Start tracking today. Which is incorrect. The vagina is an internal canal. Its visible part — the opening — is just a part of the many factors of the vulva : the external female genitalia 1. Pubic hair removal has also contributed to this notion as it exposes the genital area.
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Laura Dodsworth: Why I photographed vulvas - BBC News
You must be over 18 to view. Thank you. Labia Minora : The inner lips can be made smaller, irregular shape or contour improved, and differences in size of the two lips corrected. Our techniques preserve natural pigmentation of the labia edges, with virtually no visible scarring. View Labia Minora Reduction Photos. Clitoral Hood : Excess skin and extra folds can be removed to contour the Clitoral Hood achieving a more normal appearance, with virtually no visible scars.
Me and my vulva: 100 women reveal all
See Category:Labeled photographs of human female genitalia for scholarly interest. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. See Category:Labeled photographs of human female genitalia for scholarly interest English: Human vulvas. Esperanto: Vulvo. Please note that low-quality images with no realistic educational use nor a purpose within the Wikimedia projects may be deleted.
Human vulva gallery. The vulva plural vulvas or vulvae; derived from Latin for wrapper or covering consists of the external female sex organs. The vulva includes the mons pubis or mons veneris , labia majora , labia minora , clitoris , vestibular bulbs , vulval vestibule , urinary meatus , the vaginal opening , and Bartholin's and Skene's vestibular glands. The urinary meatus is also included as it opens into the vulval vestibule.
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