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How teenagers can protect their mental health during COVID | UNICEF
Ann-Louise T. Many teens get into trouble because of an inability to appropriately discharge feelings of intense anger. Teens become angry for various reasons and express these feelings in a multitude of ways, but all have in common the struggle of experiencing a painful emotion and not knowing how to manage it. Inappropriate expressions of anger can have serious consequences for troubled teens, but most have the capacity to learn better ways of coping. Here's what parents can do to help. Anger is an emotion that is quite often challenging for teens and at times can be overwhelming.
Why Is Children’s Masturbation Such a Secret?
Instead, stop and consider why this subject makes you squirm. If a child pulls his ear or strokes his arm, no one notices. So why do parents ignore the little boy who pulls his ear but worry and scold when he pulls his penis? Neither of these are true. Most children play with their genitals—expect this during childhood years, somewhere between the age of two and six.
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