Every day we're serving Black women deeply. Come get a plate of goodness! Sign up for daily content and exclusive offers you'll love! Jessica Shepherd wants to ensure you have the answers you need to feel at ease. A: Just like when men ejaculate, women can too.
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How to make your woman squirt (7 tips)
What Is Squirting & How to Make It Happen | StyleCaster
Okay everyone, it's time to talk about female ejaculation - because it's not as mysterious as many would like to believe. Scientists have found evidence that women who 'squirt' are expelling one of two different types of liquid - one pure urine, and the other a combination of urine and fluid from the female prostate gland. Researchers in France back in were the first to observe the mysterious phenomenon using ultrasound scans, to discover that the ejaculate originates in a woman's bladder - and is made up mostly of urine. The team, led by Samuel Salama, a gynaecologist at the Parly II private hospital in Le Chesnay, worked with a small sample of seven healthy women who reported "recurrent and massive fluid emission" when they were sexually stimulated. It's not uncommon for women to experience a little bit of milky white fluid leaking from their urethra at the point of climax, but the practice of 'squirting' enough liquid to fill a drinking glass is relatively rare. Salma's team first asked the participants to submit a urine sample, and then their pelvis was scanned via an ultrasound machine to make sure there was nothing remaining in their bladders.
Ask A Gynecologist: Can Every Woman 'Squirt?'
Like many issues related to health and sexuality, myths about the G-spot — the erogenous zone supposedly inside the vagina that can help a person achieve a particular kind of orgasm— are astoundingly common. This is due, in large part, to the fact that there is a lot of disagreement as to what the G-spot is and whether it a real thing. Every so often, a study will be released saying the G-spot doesn't actually exist and, almost immediately after, a number of people clamor to confirm the G-spot does, in fact, exist. Clearly, there are many questions about the G-spot.
This article originally appeared on AlterNet. The way women experience sexual pleasure is hard to deconstruct. For guys, climax is usually linked to ejaculation. And these explosive orgasms are often understood to be unique to the male sexual experience. The world of female ejaculation is ripe with mystery and magic, and those who have experienced it will attest to the latter.
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